Asia for additional species that attack the stems and roots. Candidate species
Aceria anthocoptes: an eriophyid mite, inflicts severe damage
Thamnurgus spp: a scolytid beetle (taxonomic status uncertain)
Euhagena palariformis: a sessid moth, very specific
Altica carduorum: a chrysomelid beetle, non-target damage?
Unexpected or unintended events have had an impact on the research. Some
sites have been destroyed due to construction. Also there have been problems
trying to integrate different phases of the IPM program. A few of our sites were
sprayed with herbicides long after the chemicals had any chance of being effec-
tive and after signs had been posted! Some overlapping research projects were
permitted, and some unusual requests were made for access to our sites. As an
example, a new housing development is going in at our Gate 5 release site.
Directions for 2002
We now have a series of sites in different temporal states allowing the
program to "feed upon itself."
Fort Carson is in the second stage of a typical biocontrol program, where
redistribution and monitoring weed reduction is the major focus.
The United States Air Force Academy is in the second year of the first
phase, releasing and establishing biocontrol agents.
Rocky Flats is just starting as far as our involvement is concerned; how-
ever, from earlier efforts, they seem to be in the latter stages of Phase
In 2002, we will redistribute biocontrol agents at Fort Carson and use Fort
Carson sites as source material for the Air Force Academy, Monument Fire
Center, and Rocky Flats programs. We will collect extensive plant mapping,
density, and distribution data at all four sites. Remediation efforts will occur at
Fort Carson. More insects will be released for leafy spurge control at the Air
Force Academy and toadflax control at Rocky Flats. Experiments will be con-
ducted on potential competition from ants in Canada and musk thistle patches.
The program has a well-trained, experienced team in place and strong con-
tacts with other weed biocontrol researchers around the country. The program
received a "Pulling Together Initiative" grant for our work at the Air Force
Academy and Monument Fire Center. We actively seek further cooperation from