Figure 11. The HMMWV snowplow has proven to be an effective attachment
and is in service in Europe and in the Far East as well as in CONUS. It is an
8-foot, hydraulically operated plow capable of plowing MSRs and various
classes of roads and highways. For safety purposes, the maximum allow-
able speed while snowplowing is 10 mph.
28. When clearing parking lots, staging areas, etc., do the following:
Clear areas in front of buildings first. Drive up to the building with
the blade raised; drop the blade, and "back-drag" the snow away
from the building. When the snow is away from the buildings, turn
the vehicle around and push the snow out of the way.
Plow a single cleared path down the center in the long direction.
Angle the plow toward the long sides and begin plowing successive
strips lengthwise until the area is cleared and snow is stacked around
the outer edges.
If snow is too deep to clear in the above manner, clear main traffic
lanes as much as possible and stack the snow in windrows in such a
manner as to provide greatest available space.
29. When plowing snow from Main Supply Routes (MSRs) or heavily used
access roads, observe the following at all times: