Snow and Ice Control
causing the blade to drop unexpectedly. Also, any damage to hydraulic compo-
nents can cause unexpected blade drop.
When transporting the plow in the "Up" position, always drive within posted
speeds or within the vehicle recommended speed, whichever is lower. Reduce
speed in poor weather conditions or when driving on uneven surfaces, such as
19. If the plow hits the ground while driving it in the up-travel position,
serious damage can occur to the plow and vehicle. Use extra caution when
transporting the plow in this manner to ensure safe operations at all times. If in
doubt in any situation or under any circumstances, double-check all connections.
When resuming travel, do so at lower speeds. If in doubt, go slower.
With the plow installed, the HMMWV must be equipped with plow lights
and directional lights. Be sure these lights or operating properly before traveling.
20. When traveling with the snowplow in the "Up" position, do the
Raise the blade.
Adjust blade and carrying chain for maximum plow headlight
Move joystick "On/Off" switch to "Off"position to lock blade in
Monitor vehicle operating temperature. Overheating is unlikely
under normal driving conditions. Occasionally, the plow may deflect
air away from the radiator. If this occurs, stop the vehicle and raise
or lower the plow slightly to correct overheating.
Note: These instructions are for driving short distances to and from
plowing operations. For long trips, remove the plow from the vehicle.
Always wear seat belt when plowing snow. Hidden obstructions can cause
the vehicle to stop suddenly, injuring the driver and assistant driver. Do not plow
with anyone riding in the back of the HMMWV.