the freezing point of moisture on the road. Application of this mixture should
continue as needed until the storm terminates.
When the temperature is 10 F or lower, application of these chemicals*
may be suspended because their effectiveness is degraded by the cold. The
application of sand to increase or provide needed traction may be required;
however, sand's effectiveness may be limited to the point where it is only of
token assistance. Plowing should continue and the application of sand should
be closely monitored and used as needed. If in doubt, spread the sand.
Safety services
During an average storm, conditions should be such that emergency vehicles
are able to travel on all roads in the area of operations (AO). If difficult condi-
tions arise, commanders should be prepared to advise safety services of any
changes in the normal routine. If an emergency vehicle needs to respond to a call
during a severe storm, the operator should notify the unit or post operations cen-
ter. The supporting engineer unit or Directorate of Public Works can then assign
the nearest available snowplowing truck to the emergency vehicle's route of
travel to ensure that the responding emergency vehicle can reach its destination.
At some locations, the element providing snowplowing services will rotate
vehicles to have one available at all times to meet emergencies should one arise.
At the same time, such vehicles can be reloaded, refueled, and serviced as neces-
sary, and operators can take a rest break.
Other anti-icers and deicers may be available on the market. Most, however, are expen-
sive to the point that they are not normally used on roads. Some recent improvements
permit use of these melters with or without salt in temperatures as low as 0 F. Lack of
common usage is due to high cost, affecting availability in many areas.