the radar. Now, with cable TV and the Internet, all of this information rushes at
you. At times the amount of information is a detriment. They need one system
that they can build confidence in. The MDSS is rapidly developing a following
Beside road/bridge frost, they are all satisfied that the prototype system contains
all of the tools to meet their needs.
Paul would like to see his favorite features and functions of the MDSS and
commercial services combined into a single system. They are becoming more
reliant on weather system technologies such as MDSS.
Gary McDaniel - Garage Assistant, Des Moines North, IADOT (Feb 16 2004)
The MDSS was generally conservative on alerts, wind speed and snow amounts.
However, it appeared to do a good job on precipitation timing. For the most part,
it worked quite well.
The system needs to be able to "stack treatments". For example, when
temperatures become marginal (10 - 15F), they will simultaneously treat with
both salt brine and salt either by using 2 trucks or by towing a trailer. The current
system does not allow for multiple, simultaneous treatments to be entered.
For some small events (<1-2 inches), the MDSS showed no precipitation at all.
[This issue was addressed later in the period as described in Section 11.1.3]
When first logging on to the system, he immediately zooms to the DSM route
region. He looks at recommended treatments. He finds the graphical display
easier to digest than the tabular form.
He has found that the treatments are pretty close especially in melting (not
blowing snow) situations.
He absolutely supports continued development of MDSS and technology transfer
to the private sector.
The system was "head and shoulders above" last year's prototype.
Ed Mahoney - Garage Supervisor, Des Moines North, IADOT (Feb 25, 2004)
Indicated that the MDSS was very useful this year and the staff members were
more comfortable using it.
Found that the application rate for the total storm period to be very close to what
was actually used. Some treatment timing sometimes differed during the storm