The following changes or enhancements were made to the mesoscale ensemble
component of the prototype MDSS:
1) Ensemble Configuration: Updated the selection of models, the model output
frequency, the run schedule, and the output products. The MM5 and WRF models
were included in 2004. Also, FSL's Rapid Update Cycle (RUC) experimental
model runs (which are separate from those RUC runs conducted by NOAA's
National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP)) were included.
2) System Stability: Made changes to the scripts for the ensemble modeling system
in order to make the software system more robust.
MDSS Display Application
The following enhancements were made to the MDSS display application:
1) Digital Values: Provided digital values to the state and route view graphics.
2) System Reset: Added ability of the users to reset the road conditions (road snow
depth = 0 and chemical concentration = 0) for each route or all routes via the user
3) RWIS Observations: Added ability to view the most current road temperature data
from RWIS stations via the display interface.
4) Dynamic Range: Added dynamic range code for the time-series parameters to
reduce the chance of having data go out of range.
5) Historical View: Designed a way to view recent history (~6 hrs) on the display so
that more than just the latest 48-hrs is viewable.
6) Display Summary Page: Users indicated that they needed a quick-look summary
page of weather and road variables for each forecast period for each plow route.
Summary page products include maximum and minimum predicted air and road
temperatures, total new snow accumulation, and an indication of conditional
7) Blowing Snow Potential: Created a treatment recommendation alert graphic on
treatment page when blowing snow conditions were likely.