The operating philosophy of the USAP (Drag-
mental analysis and documentation will be pre-
gan and Wilkniss 1993) recognizes the potentially
pared for such developments as necessary.
profound impacts that its presence and its activi-
ties can have upon Antarctica. This philosophy
acknowledges the importance of the various com-
ponents of the human environment, the Antarctic
environment, and the interactive processes that
give structure to those environments. The philoso-
The proposed action is to develop a limited
phy goes further in affirming that USAP will use
number of blue-ice or compacted snow runways
all practicable means and measures to foster and
to support USAP activities. The proposed action
maintain Antarctica's natural conditions while
includes development of a runway at the Pegasus
promoting and supporting Antarctic scientific
site near McMurdo to allow use of wheeled air-
endeavors in a manner that is safe and healthful
craft and at Mill Glacier or Mount Howe. Alterna-
for USAP participants.
tives include consideration of other locations and
The USAP's operating philosophy is based
construction techniques.
upon several broad, yet reasonable and practical,
assumptions. The assumptions are that 1) the Ant-
arctic Continent can be viewed, in the main, as a
The purpose of the proposed action is to con-
closed environment, 2) inputs to, and outputs
struct and operate blue-ice and compacted-snow
from, the operating environments of the USAP
runways in Antarctica that would be used by
(that is, its stations, field camps and vessels) can
wheeled aircraft and would enhance air support
be controlled, 3) while all human activities entail
for USAP activities throughout the austral sum-
some measure of change or impact to the envi-
mer season and possibly throughout the year. In
ronment, those changes and impacts can be mini-
the near term, USAP is exploring the possibilities
mized, mitigated, or controlled, and 4) effective
of developing: 1) a blue-ice or compacted-snow
runway on the permanent ice shelf near McMurdo
or impact depends on information-intensive ap-
Station that could be used by wheeled aircraft
proaches that foster early consideration of poten-
late in the season, and 2) a blue-ice or compacted-
tial changes or impacts.
snow runway that could be used by wheeled air-
In keeping with this philosophy, this IEE fo-
craft to support construction activities at the South
cuses on actions or changes to program activities
Pole Station. In addition, blue-ice or compacted-
that might: 1) reduce human impacts by reducing
snow runways may also be developed elsewhere
the need for Antarctic personnel and nonscience
in Antarctica in the future to support USAP scien-
support operations, 2) foster environmentally
tific and logistic support activities.
compatible use of such natural Antarctic substrates
Runways suitable for wheeled aircraft could
as ice and snow, and 3) promote reductions in
be important in emergencies. In August 1987, NSF
peaks of operational activity by providing oppor-
Director Erich Bloch convened a panel of experts
tunities for year-round program operation.
to review safety in the USAP (USAP Safety Re-
view Panel 1988). The panel was tasked to review
"...all aspects of safety in NSF, DOD, U.S. Coast
Guard, support contractor, and science team op-
erations." Two of their recommendations are rel-
This IEE evaluates the impacts associated with
evant to this proposed action. Recommendation
developing blue-ice and compacted-snow run-
AOP-2 was that "...the National Science Founda-
ways in general, as well as current proposals to
develop such runways at the Pegasus site near
as potential LC-130 landing sites to provide greater
McMurdo Station and at Mill Glacier or Mount
flexibility for science and operational purposes."
Howe. The intent is to provide sufficient evalua-
Recommendation AOP-3 was " investigate and
tion to ensure that adequate review of potential
define the means by which both early (or epi-
environmental impacts for planned developments
sodic) and year-round access to McMurdo can be
of such runways has been done and appropriate
provided safely." Part of the motivation for both
documentation prepared. This analysis will be
these recommendations was better access in emer-
reviewed for future developments, and supple-