remote sites will require berthing and water pro-
duction and perhaps waste treatment capabili-
aircraft. At the Pegasus site, we utilized two small
ties. They will also need to have more space
sled-mounted structures. One, the "chalet," in-
allocated to food storage and personnel area
cluded a phone, table and chairs, sofa, water stor-
(lounge), a larger tool and workshop area, and
age, countertop with portable stove, and shelves
increased parts and supplies storage.
for storage of cookware, dishware and utensils,
packaged food, and equipment and technical/
scientific literature (Fig. 25). The other building
Access road
Because the Pegasus runway was developed
served as a tool shed with some room for parts
by a "commuter" workforce, a great deal of
storage, and had a urine funnel attached to the
time and effort was spent on snow road con-
wall and connected to a barrel outside (Fig. 26). A
struction and maintenance (the 15-km, or 9-mi.,
fold-up toilet was located in this building also.
road connected Pegasus to Williams Field). This
The tool shed did not take up the entire sled deck,
is a entire separate topic (e.g., Abele 1990), and
and a self-contained 20-kW generator and fuel
should be recognized as a key element in the
supply were mounted outside the building, shel-
utility of any runway that will be accessed fre-
tered with wooden covers. A sled-mounted 19,000-
L (5000-gal.) tanker was on site to provide fuel
quently via overland transport. Sound road con-
storage and was placed on a bulldozed snow berm
struction requires performing a sequence of
to allow gravity feed when fueling equipment.
operations, all linked closely with temperature,
and subsequent immediate attention to mainte-
Our wastes, human and otherwise, were contain-
nance needs when they present themselves.
erized on site and returned to McMurdo for pro-
Generally, a well-constructed snow road will
require only a small amount of periodic main-
The proximity to major support facilities (Will-
tenance, if it is performed promptly. Storms
iams Field and McMurdo) allowed the Pegasus
naturally create problems for most roads, and
runway camp to be small and efficient. (Morning
small drifts can quickly amplify if they are not
and evening meals, potable water, berthing, and
leveled as soon as possible.
shops were provided out of Williams Field.) More
Figure 26. Tool shed and latrine at Pegasus runway.