usually be made. In some cases, it may be neces-
be met to proceed with construction. In most cases,
sary to change the initial vision of the operation
an environmental impact assessment will be re-
to match what is feasible to develop in the field.
quired. In the event that one is not required, we
And, possibly, the data will show that it is impos-
still recommend that such a document be pre-
sible, not economic, or foolhardy to choose any of
pared. The process of writing such an evaluation
the potential sites.
helps greatly to focus ones overall approach and
The initial runway at the Pegasus site had its
can be very valuable, should there be a challenge
north end at 7757'S, 16630'E and its south end at
to the project after construction begins or the run-
7759'S, 16634'E in 1990. The elevation was de-
way is in operation.
termined to be 8.8 m (29 ft) above MSL. The final
Although Antarctica is not a country and there-
runway was constructed parallel to this axis, 150
fore has no "laws" to govern the activities of hu-
m (500 ft) to the east. The position of the centerline
mans, a number of guidelines are in place to
of the runway in 1995 was 7757'18"S, 16630'53"E
address development. For some time there has
(north threshold) and 7758'51"S, 16633'34"E
(south threshold).
operators to establish ethical and responsible pro-
tocol for activities on the continent. Private par-
ties visiting Antarctica are also encouraged to
adhere to these guidelines. While these guide-
lines are nonbinding, they have arisen primarily
for the long-term preservation of the continent.
Laws governing development are certain to
agr eements for activities in Antarctica, some
exist in most areas where a glacial ice runway
countries governments have enacted laws gov-
could be considered. Before construction, and per-
erning the actions of their citizens while in the
haps during site investigation, it is important to
Antarctic. Prior to construction of a glacial ice
learn what laws and procedures must be met be-
runway in Antarctica, an operator should con-
fore the selected site can be modified. An impor-
sult their national laws, the Antarctic Treaty,
tant advantage of a glacial ice runway is its use of
natural materials and the small degree to which
and the Protocol on Environmental Protection
the terrain is changed. Glaciers and ice shelves
of the Antarctic Treaty (Madrid Protocol). For
are often located in pristine settings that have
the Pegasus runway, the National Science Foun-
high esthetic value. Thus, it is wise to know in
dation prepared an initial environmental evalu-
advance what regulations and conditions must
ation (App. B).