7. References
7.1 Other Reports on this Demonstration Project
Reynolds, C.M. 1998. Technology Demonstration Plan. Field Demonstration of Rhizosphere-
Enhanced Treatment of Organic-Contaminated Soils on Native American Lands with
Application to Northern FUD Site. Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory,
Hanover, NH. (March 1998)
Reynolds, C.M. 2003. Technology Demonstration, Implementation Plan. Field Demonstration of
Rhizosphere-Enhanced Treatment of Organic-Contaminated Soils on Native American Lands
with Application to Northern FUD Site. Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory,
Hanover, NH. (August 2003)
Reynolds, C.M. 2003. Final Report. Field Demonstration of Rhizosphere-Enhanced Treatment of
Organic-Contaminated Soils on Native American Lands with Application to Northern FUD Site.
Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory, Hanover, NH. (August 2003)
7.2 References Related to this Technology
Alexander, M. 1994. Biodegradation and bioremediation. Academic Press, Inc: California.
Anderson, T. A., E. A. Guthrie, and B. T. Walton. 1993. Bioremediation in the rhizosphere.
Environ. Sci. Tech. 27:2630-2636.
Curl, E. A. and B. Truelove. 1986. The Rhizosphere. Springer-Verlag: New York, NY.
EPA Phytoremediation Bibliography at: http://www.rtdf.org/public/phyto/phytobib/biba-b.html
Gale, E.F. 1952. The chemical activities of bacteria. Academic Press, New York.
Lynch, J.M. 1990. The Rhizosphere, John Wiley & Sons: Chichester, England.
Reynolds, C.M., P. Bhunia, and B.A. Koenen. 1997. Soil Remediation demonstration Project:
Biodegradation of Heavy Fuel Oils. Special Report 97-20. Cold Regions Research and
Engineering Laboratory, Hanover, NH. (August 1997)
7.3 References Cited in this Report
Donnelly, P.K., and J.S. Fletcher. 1994. Potential use of mycorrhizal fungi as bioremediation
agents. pp. 93-99. In T.A. Anderson and J.R. Coats (ed.) Bioremediation through rhizosphere
technology. Am. Chem. Soc., Chicago, IL.
Leigh MB, Fletcher JS, Fu X, Schmitz FJ. 2002. Root turnover: an important source of microbial
substrates in rhizosphere remediation of recalcitrant contaminants. Environ Sci Technol.
Reynolds, C. M. 1993. Field measured bioremediation rates in a cold region landfarm: Spatial
variability relationships. In: P. T. Kostecki and E. J. Calabrese (eds.) Hydrocarbon Contaminated
Soils, Lewis Publishers, Chelsea, MI. pp. 487-499
Reynolds, C. M. and D. C. Wolf. 1999. Microbial based strategies for assessing rhizosphere-
enhanced phytoremediation. Environmental Technology Advancement Directorate (ETAD) of