Figure 55. Ice run through the
confluence modeled with bend-
way weirs and eroded bar.
Figure 56. Vector plot of velocities for ice and open water flow in Figure 55.
An additional finding, related to item 1 above, is that the bendway weirs did not
accumulate ice. This finding addresses a concern that the weirs could accumulate
ice, either by virtue of the reduced flow velocities over the bendway weirs or by
ice grounding on the weirs. The model showed no propensity for either of these
effects to occur.
Andres, D. (1996) Ice formation and breakup at the town of Peace River: A study
of regulated conditions, 196994. Report prepared for town of Peace River, British
Columbia Hydro, and Alberta Environmental Protection, Trillium Engineering and
Hydrographics Inc., Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Andres, D. (1997) Freeze-up ice jams on the Nechako River at Prince George: Anal-
ysis of the 1996 event. Report prepared for Alcan Smelters and Chemicals Ltd.,
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