a) with a geotextile separator 12 in. thick
b) without a geotextile separator 12 in. thick
Debris/slash approximately 12 in. thick when compressed
a) with a geotextile separator 12 in. thick
b) without a geotextile separator 12 in. thick
Terra Mats tire mats
a) CM 420 tire mats
b) TMC 410-12 tire mats
Wood mats
Double sided geonet or geocomposite (selected in pretest)
Geosynthetic geogrid or geocomposite (selected in pretest)
PVC fascine with a wood mat travel surface
Control bare ground with no treatment
The subgrade soil and surface features of test sites will be characterized prior to
construction. In addition to visual observations the following measurements will
be made:
Moisture content determination (gravimetric)
Moisture content determination (volumetric) --Vitel Hydralogger
Clegg impact device
Cone penetrometer
Thaw depth
Soil temperature
Profilometer readings
Level survey.
CRREL and Army School staff will conduct these tests with assistance from
National Guard personnel. Six National Guard personnel are required.
The test sections have been arranged to keep sections that are constructed in a
similar manner together. The wood mats, Terra Mats, geosynthetic and PVC pipe
fascine test sections will require the placing of materials by a forklift or see
(loader/backhoe). These materials can be transported to the test sites on a lowboy
trailer. The chunkwood, tire chips and debris/slash test section will require
material be hauled from the staging area in dump trucks and spread by bulldozer.
The debris/slash will probably be placed by hand. The approximate volume of
material for each test section is 15 to 35 cubic yards. The required equipment and
manpower to construct the test sections will be determined by the National
Guidelines for constructing the test sections follows:
Chunkwood: The chunkwood will be stockpiled at a site approximately 1.5 miles
from the wooded trail and 2.5 miles from the slope section. Chunkwood will be
trucked to the test site and spread with a bulldozer.
Chunkwood/sand mix: The chunkwood and sand will be mixed when the dump
trucks are loaded. The mixing process is accomplished by placing 3 scoops of
chunkwood in the truck followed by 1 scoop of sand.