Karen Henry--staker, water content (w.c.) collector, note taker, evaluation form
I NG Person
Jeff Stark--Clegg impact device and cone penetrometer operator
I (3) NG Person
Karen Geary or Army School Staffer--dual cone penetrometer operator
I NG Person
Maureen Kestler--thaw depth temperature gauge, and profilometer operator
3 NG person
Vitel moisture meter, densities
2 NG
Sally Shoop--Field Chief
wooden stakes (150) and metal pins (in case the ground is too frozen for the stakes)
moisture content tins
plastic reusable bags
markers: sharp and wide tip for marking stakes
marking paint
field book
rule or rod for measuring thaw depth
backpacks or cart for hauling w.c. samples
Clegg impact device
Cone penetrometer
thaw depth temperature probe
surveyor's tape, 2100 ft and 300 ft
balance for moisture content
oven to dry moisture samples
Vitel Hydra Logger
Vitel probes
tape measure 25 ft (2 or 3)
computers (2)
still camera
rut profiler
drive cylinder
drive cylinder hammer
To document:
rut profiles--at every 50-ft station
surface roughness--estimate for every 50-ft section (according to CRREL SR 87-15)
vegetation (estimate percentage of ground surface covered) standing water (depth)
video tape each test section prior to construction
photograph of each test section prior to construction--document photo number and test section in notes.
The site characterization will be carried out on 17 March 1995, and on the day prior to the beginning of con-
struction of the other test sections. The sites will be staked by CRREL; staking on the 15th or 16th will give
us a chance to see exactly where the test sections will go and if any changes need to be made. The NG can
probably survey the site before construction.
Other Notes:
Be sure to match the 50-ft stakes to the test sections to be constructed (if possible).
Figure F1. Overview of test and evaluation scheduling.