no increase in Leuder lines since the mini-life-
Flax, D., G. Hine, W . Tobiasson, and B. Whistler
extension operation in mid-1987, leading to the
(1971) 1971 performance survey of DEW line ice-
conclusion that the yielding had occurred during
cap stations DYE-2 and DYE-3. USA Cold Regions
that work and not afterwards as previously thought.
Research and Engineering Laboratory, Special Re-
port to U.S. Air Force.
(Fig. 18) and the base level combined stress factors
Lowry, J., L. Smith, and W . Tobiasson (1969) 1969
for column A4 (Fig. 20) led the CRREL and Met-
performance survey of DEW line icecap stations
calf & Eddy engineers to conclude that the station
DYE-2 and DYE-3. USA Cold Regions Research
could be safely occupied until 1 October 1988. Ad-
and Engineering Laboratory, Special Report to
justment and monitoring of the sway bolt loads
U.S. Air Force.
may have extended this period until 31 December
Reed, S.C. (1966) Performance study of the DEW
1988. The Air Force, using this analysis and the
line icecap stations, Greenland, 1963. USA Cold
conclusions and options drawn from it, closed the
Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory,
site in August of 1988, shortly after the conclusion
Special Report 72.
of our work. Monitoring of the Greenland sector
Smith, L., W . Tobiasson, and B. Whistler (1970)
of the DEW line was assumed by the new radar
1970 performance survey of DEW line icecap sta-
facility at Thule, Greenland.
tions DYE-2 and DYE-3. USA Cold Regions
Research and Engineering Laboratory, Special
Report to U.S. Air Force.
Tobiasson, W., and H.T. Ueda (1972) Instrumenta-
Haynes, F.D. (1988) Vibration analysis of a DEW
tion of the structural frame of DEW line icecap
line station. In Proceedings of the Sixth International
stations DYE-2 and DYE-3. USA Cold Regions
Modal Analysis Conference, 24 February, Orlando,
Research and Engineering Laboratory, Special
Florida, Union College, Schenectady, New York.
Report to U.S. Air Force DEW Systems Office.
Osgood, S., and D. Bornstein (1989) DYE-2 and
Tobiasson, W., and P. Tilton (1980) Extending the
DYE-3: A 30-year engineering history. In Cold Re-
useful life of DYE-2 to 1986. Part 2: 1979 findings
gions Engineering: Proceedings of the Fifth Interna-
and final recommendations. USA Cold Regions
tional Conference (R.L. Michalowski, Ed.), 68 Feb-
Research and Engineering Laboratory, Special Re-
ruary, St. Paul, Minnesota.
port 80-13.
Tobiasson, W ., H.T. Ueda, and G. Hine (1974)
Tobiasson, W ., C. Korhonen, and R. Redfield
Measurement of forces within the structural frame
(1979) Extending the useful life of DYE-2 to 1986,
of DEW line icecap stations DYE-2 and DYE-3. USA
Part 1: Preliminary findings and final recommen-
Cold Laboratory, Special Report 81-3.
dations. USA Cold Regions Research and Engi-
Ueda, H.T., W. Tobiasson, D. Fisk, D. Keller, and C.
neering Laboratory, Special Report 79-29.
Korhonen (1984) Secondary stresses associated
Tobiasson, W ., H.T. Ueda, and G. Hine (1974)
within the structural frame of DYE-3: 1978-1983.
Measurement of forces within the structural
USA Cold Regions Research and Engineering
frame of DEW line icecap stations DYE-2 and
Laboratory, Special Report 84-26.
DYE-3. USA Cold Regions Research and Engi-
Walsh, M.R. (1992) Data used in the structural
neering Laboratory, Special Report 205. (Cited in
analysis of DYE-2: 19831988. USA Cold Regions
this report.)
Research and Engineering Laboratory, Internal
Tobiasson, W., G. Hine, K. Muller, and A. Bailey
Report 1101.
(1972) 1972 Performance survey of DEW line ice-
cap stations DYE-2 and DYE-3. USA Cold Regions
Research and Engineering Laboratory, Special Re-
port to U.S. Air Force DEW Systems Office.
The following is a list of CRREL documents
Tobiasson, W ., G. Hine, R. Redfield and W .
available on the subject of DYE-2. Not all of the
Blanchard (1975) 1973 Performance survey of
following items were cited in the preceding re-
DEW line icecap stations DYE-2 and DYE-3. USA
port. They are included here for reference as this is
Cold Regions Research and Engineering Labora-
the last report to be written for this era of the sta-
tory, Special Report 228.
tion. Cited literature will be noted.
Ueda, H.T., M.A. Goff, and K.G. Nielson (1981)
Black, R., J. Lowry, and W. Tobiasson (1968) 1968
An investigation of the snow adjacent to DYE-2,
performance survey of DEW line icecap stations
Greenland. USA Cold Regions Research and En-
DYE-2 and DYE-3. USA Terrestrial Sciences Cen-
gineering Laboratory, Special Report 81-3. (Cited
ter, Special Report to U.S. Air Force.
in this report.)