6.3 Labware
prevent adsorption of several of the analytes.
1. Microliter syringes if making manual injec-
After several injections of sample extracts, depo-
tions (Hamilton series 701 liquid syringe, or
sition of nonvolatile residues may result in peak
tailing and a decline in the response for HMX. The
2. Disposable cartridge filters: 0.45 micron
injection-port liner must be changed or cleaned
(Millex SR or equivalent).
each time the septum is replaced, at least every 50
3. Pipets: Class A, glass, appropriate sizes.
4. Pasteur pipets.
5. Autosampler vials.
6. Disposable syringes: Plastipak, 3 mL (or
Standard precautionary measures used for han-
7. Volumetric flasks: appropriate sizes, with
dling other organic compounds should be suffi-
ground-glass stoppers, Class A.
cient for the safe handling of the analytes targeted
8. Vacuum desiccator: glass.
by this method. The only extra precaution that
9. Graduated cylinders: 5.00 mL.
should be taken is when handling the analytical
6.4 Equipment specific to cartridge SPE
the note for drying the neat materials at ambient
1. Visiprep Solid-Phase Extraction Manifold:
temperatures in Step 10.1.
(Supelco 5-7030 or equivalent).
2. Visiprep large volume sampler (Supelco #5-
3. Porapak RDX (divinylbenzene/vinylpyrroli-
done) Sep-Pak Vac Cartridges (one per sam-
1. GC equipped with the following:
ple) (Waters # WATO47220).
a. Heated injection port for 0.53-mm-i.d.
capillary columns.
6.5 Equipment specific to disk SPE
b. Deactivated direct injection liners (Restek
1. Vacuum filter apparatus, glass: 47 mm, with
#20964 or equivalent).
manifold or 1-L vacuum flask.
c. ECD detector (Ni63).
2. Empore SDB-RPS disks: 47-mm (one per
d. Temperature-programmable oven.
sample) (Empore #1214-5026).
2. Recommended primary column: Fused-
silica 100% polydimethylsiloxane, 0.53-mm
i.d., 1.5 m, 6 m (DB-1 or equivalent).
3. Recommended secondary columns:
Reagent-grade chemicals shall be used in all
a. Fused-silica trifluoropropyl methylpoly-
siloxane, 0.53-mm i.d., 1.5 m, 6 m (Restek
tests. Unless otherwise indicated, all reagents shall
conform to the specifications of the Committee on
RTX-200 or equivalent).
Analytical Reagents of the American Chemi-
b. Fused-silica RTX-225 (50% cyanopropyl-
cal Society, where such specifications are available.
methyl50% phenyl methylpolysiloxane)
0.53-mm i.d., 1 m, 6 m.
Other grades may be used, provided that the re-
agent is of sufficiently high purity to permit its use
without lowering the accuracy of the determina-
ChemStation or equivalent).
5. Hydrogen for carrier gas (99.99999+% pur-
Acetonitrile (CH3CN), for HPLC, GC, pesti-
Model 75-32 or equivalent).
cide residue analysis, spectrophotometry.
6. Nitrogen for makeup gas (99.9995% purity,
Acetone (CH3COCH3), for HPLC, GC, pesti-
oxygen- and moisture-free), from cylinder or
cide residue analysis, spectrophotometry.
7. Autosampler with ability to refrigerate vials
Isopropanol ([CH3]2CHOH), for HPLC, GC,
(HP 6890 or equivalent) (optional).
pesticide residue analysis, spectrophotome-
Methanol (CH3OH) for HPLC, GC, pesticide
1. Balance plus-minus 0.0001 g.
residue analysis, spectrophotometry.
2. Refrigerated circulating bath (Neslab Endo-
SARMs (Standard Analytical Reference Mate-
cal or equivalent).