Figure 6. On surface EMI conductivity measurement vs. drill hole measured
snow plus ice thickness.
Figure 7. Comparison of the EMI snow and ice thickness measurements made
parallel vs. perpendicular to the survey line.
and Morey 1978, 1979; Morey et al. 1984) and
side between the vertical basal plane of the nu-
mechanical (Payton 1966, Wang 1979, Timco and
merous fresh ice platelets that make up the sea ice
Frederking 1990, Kovacs 1993) properties of the
crystal structure as depicted (Fig. 8). When the c-
axes of the ice crystals are all aligned, then the
The bottommost 0.2-m portion of the ice sheet
brine inclusions reside in parallel rows. Radar
causes the largest change in the sea ice electro-
magnetic properties. Here the entrapped brine,
antenna E-field is aligned parallel with the pre-
ferred horizontal c-axis direction of the ice crys-
ponentially with depth. The brine inclusions re-
tals at the bottom of the ice sheet, maximum re-