Wharf/Pier--The greatest depth at chart datum alongside the respective wharf/pier is given. If there is more than one
wharf/pier, then the one which has greatest usable depth is shown.
TIDE--The mean range in feet is normally given, but the mean rise is substituted if range data is not available. It is felt that
the distinction between range and rise can be disregarded without affecting the general utility of this publication.
MAXIMUM SIZE VESSEL--"L" indicates that a ship of over 500 feet may be accommodated and "M" indicates ships less
than 500 feet.
GOOD HOLDING GROUND--This is indicated only where actual anchorage conditions have been reported.
TURNING AREA--An indication that a turning basin or other water area for vessels is available in the port.
FIRST PORT OF ENTRY--A port where a vessel may enter and clear foreign goods and personnel through Customs and
Immigration. For vessels arriving from overseas a quarantine clearance is required by the First Port of Entry.
U.S. REPRESENTATIVE--Indicates whether the United States maintains civilian/military representation in that port.
ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival) MESSAGE--Indicates whether ETA message is required for that port.
PILOTAGE--The necessity or advisability of taking a pilot is given. In some cases, pilot may be compulsory, although pilots
are not actually stationed at the port in question and must be obtained elsewhere.
TUGS--Indicates whether tugs are available for docking or anchorage assistance.
QUARANTINE--Indicates if regular quarantine procedures are required or if further details must be found in other
COMMUNICATIONS--Indicates what types of communications are available in the port and/or near-by area.
LOADOFF-LOAD--Refers to the area where normal port operations are conducted.
MEDICAL FACILITIES--An indication that there is some form of medical facilities in the port that will accommodate
GARBAGE DISPOSAL--Indicates whether garbage can be disposed of at the pier or by lighters at the anchorage or mooring.
DEGAUSSING--Indicates whether degaussing facilities are available.
DIRTY BALLAST--Pertains to a port that has sufficient facilities for receiving oily and/or chemically contaminated dirty
CRANESLIFTS--Indicates whether there are cranes available and what type, and indicates its lifting power in tons.
SERVICES--Indicates whether normal port services are available.
SUPPLIES--The availability of provisions, water, and fuel oil is listed. Fuel oil and diesel oil are listed separately, but in cases
of original source information falling to distinguish between the two, both kinds are presumed to be available and are so listed.
REPAIRS--Repairs that can be made to oceangoing vessels are classified as follows:
AMajor--Extensive overhauling and rebuilding in well equipped shipyards.
BModerate--Extensive overhauling and rebuilding that does not require drydocking. Suitable drydocking facilities are
usually lacking or inadequate.
CLimited--Small repair work in independent machine shops or foundries.
DEmergency only.
DRYDOCKMARINE RAILWAY--The general size and type of the largest underwater repair facility in the port is listed.
Marine Railways
Up to 656 feet--S--Up to 200 meters
Up to 200 tons--S
657 feet to 984 feet--M--201 to 300 meters
201 to 1000 tons--M
985 feet and over--L--301 meters and over
Over 1000 tons--L