pressed by the differential form of the Gibb's re-
and grains G. These volume fractions are related
lationship. It has been shown (Loch 1978, Black
1992) that the Gibb's relationship for monocom-
G + W (uW , uI ) + I(uW , uI ) = 1 .
ponent and multicomponent systems contained
within a porous medium that subjects the water
The complete scaled form is simply
to a general body force can be expressed in a sim-
plified Clapeyron equation. When pressures are
G + W (UW , UI ) + I(U W , UI ) = 1 .
given in standard gauge pressures u, the Clapey-
ron equation is written as
The criterion for lens initiation is obtained from
the geotechnical concept of effective stress, or the
uW -
= IW θ
particle-to-particle contact stress. When this stress
is zero, the particles no longer remain in contact
in which hIW is the volumetric latent heat of fu-
and an ice lens is able to form. The SnyderTerzaghi
sion (J/m3),YIW is the specific gravity of ice and
equation partitions the total confining stress σT
θ (C) is the elevation of the melting point of ice
(N/m2) between the effective σe (N/m2) and neu-
from the standard melting point of ice θo. For
tral or pore σn (N/m2) stresses at locations near the
normal water, θ will be negative.
initiation of an ice lens:
The gauge pressures will scale the same as the
σT = σe + σn .
absolute pressures:
Figure B2 shows the partitioning of these stresses.
γ IA
The effective and neutral stresses in this relation-
ship are different from the traditional stresses in
The specific gravity of ice is already dimension-
less, so the remaining constants θo and hIW must
the Terzaghi equation because these include
Snyder 's flawed solid theory (Snyder and Miller
be used to reduced the only variable: tempera-
ture θ. Earlier scaling attempts by Miller (Black
1985). These stresses, like the pressure, take place
at the pore scale, so they will scale just as pres-
1985) developed a reduced temperature that in-
sures do:
cluded the latent heat term, but for the benefit of
clarity, Miller (1990) suggested a different reduced
γ IA
The flow of water through the frozen fringe is
assumed to obey Darcy's law:
Substituting these scaling parameters for pres-
vW = kW (uW , uI ) ( fW - ∇uW )
sure and temperature into eq B8 results in an ad-
ditional reduced term called the reduced latent
in which vW is the volumetric flux of water
(m4/Ns), fW is the body force per unit volume
h IW .
γ IA
(N/m3) and ∇ is the gradient. To reduce Darcy's
These scaling relationships give a reduced
law we begin by examining the last term. This is
Clapeyron equation:
the gradient of water pressure across the region
of interest. If we are looking at flow through an
UW -
= HIW Θ .
individual pore, then this length would appear
to be λ. This would be correct for this special and
The Laplace and Clapeyron equations show
very limited case. In general, far more complex
that the pressures, temperature and curvature are
flow patterns through a myriad of pore geom-
interrelated. When the porous medium is geo-
etries containing different amounts of ice and
metrically complicated, as in the case of soil, it is
helpful to simplify the pressurescurvature be-
havior by expressing the Laplace equation with
empirically determined material properties. In our
case the necessary material properties are the vol-
Figure B2. Stress partition-
ume fractions for water W(uW, uI), ice I(uW, uI)
ing of ice, water and air.