Figure 1. CRREL
the effects of the disk brake pads on the hard
avoided. Of course, with no effective brakes on the
vehicle, care must be taken with the tow vehicle
As long as the brakes were not applied during the
and tow hitch.
hard surface tests, or during any subsequent tests,
Most tests in undisturbed snow were conducted
by towing the vehicle at about 5 km/hr using the
valid. It did not matter if the pads were installed or
off-set tow hitch shown in Figure 2. A few tests
not, although the hard surface resistance is higher
were done without towing the CIV, using the front
with the pads in place. By closing the valves in the
wheels to drive the vehicle in deep snow. Addi-
CIV brake system, inadvertent braking can be
tionally, some tests were conducted with the CIV
Figure 2. Off-center
towing hitch.