INTRODUCTION - SR99_070007Figure 2. Aggregate thickness design curve for dual-wheel load on gravel-surface roads. (From TM 5-818-8.)Figure 3. Aggregate thickness design curve for tandem (dual)-wheel load on gravel-surface roads. (From TM 5-818-8.)Figure 4. Wheel and axle configurations.Figure 5. Design aggregate thickness chart for a 88.95-kN (20,000-lb) wheel load. (From Barenberg et al. 1975.)Applicability for Army use on thawing soilsFigure 6. Aggregate thickness, ho′ (top), and reduction of aggregate thickness, ∆h (bottom), resulting from use of geotextile as a function of soil cohesion for 12-in. rut depth. N is number of vehicle passes and K is tensile modulus of geotextile. (From Giroud and Noiray 1981.)Figure 7. Aggregate thickness, ho′ (top), and reduction of aggregate thickness, ∆h (bottom), resulting from use of geotextile as a function of soil cohesion for 8-in. rut depth. N is number of vehicle passes and K is tensile modulus of geotextile. (From Holtz and Sivakugan 1987.)Theory - SR99_070015Theory - continuedFigure 10. Wheel load distribution by aggregate layer to subgrade (Giroud and Noiray 1981).Applicability for use by the ArmyTable 3. Tensile modulus values of geotextiles at 5% strain and at failure based on information in Geotechnical Fabrics Report (1996).Figure 11. Static loading design curves from Barenberg et al. (1975) and design points generated for this report according to method documented in Appendix B.Figure 13. Static loading design curves with geotextiles from Giroud and Noiray (1981) and points generated for this report according to method documented in Appendix B.Table 4. Maximum vertical stress at various depths below applied wheel load of 115 kN and contact pressure of 414 kPa according to Newmark (1942) and trapezoidal stress distribution used by Giroud and Noiray (1981).*Figure 15. Field performance vs. theoretical prediction by Giroud and Noiray (1981) or unreinforced test sections (top) and reinforced test sections (bottom). (From Fannin and Sigurdsson 1996.)Design curves for Army vehiclesFigure 16. Design curves for static loading (up to 100 passes) for 10-ton dump truck, according to Barenberg (1975) method (top) and Giroud and Noiray (1981) method (bottom). Use of upper figure s recommended until further research is conducted.Figure 17. Design curves for static loading (up to 100 passes) for 20-ton dump truck, according to Barenberg (1975) method (top) and Giroud and Noiray (1981) method (bottom). Use of upper figure is recommended until further research is conducted.SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS - SR99_070027SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS - continued - SR99_070028APPENDIX A: GEOTEXTILE SURVIVABILITY REQUIREMENTSTable A-3. Recommended overlaps.APPENDIX B: METHODS USED TO RECALCULATE DESIGN CURVES FROM BARENBERG ET AL. AND GIROUD AND NOIRAY.EXAMPLE MATHCAD 6.0 WORKSHEET FOR BARENBERG DESIGN METHODEXAMPLE MATHCAD 6.0 WORKSHEET FOR GIROUD AND NOIRAY DESIGN METHODEXAMPLE MATHCAD 6.0 WORKSHEET FOR GIROUD AND NOIRAY DESIGN METHOD - continuedREPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE - SR99_070035SR99_07