Introduction - ERDC-TR-01-130010Previous range characterization investigationsPrevious fate and transport studiesRelated Ongoing and Leveraged StudiesScope of ProjectObjectives-continueCharacterization of Explosives Contamination at Military Firing Ranges - ERDC-TR-01-130016Fort Lewis, WAFigure 1. Location of Fort LewisTable 1. Physical Characteristics of Fort Lewis SoilsFigure 3. Launching area of hand grenade range at Fort LewisArtillery range firing point - ERDC-TR-01-130021Artillery range impact area - ERDC-TR-01-130022Fort Richardson, AKMethods - ERDC-TR-01-130024Figure 6. Template for sampling hand grenade ranges at Fort RichardsonSoil sampling and analysis-continueAnalysis of fragments from low-order hand grenade detonationFigure 7. Sampling locations on theHistorical firing records - ERDC-TR-01-130029Results and Discussion - ERDC-TR-01-130030Table 3. Explosives in Soils from Fort Lewis Hand Grenade Range, g kgFigure 8. Distribution of RDX in surface soils at hand grenade range 3, Fort LewisFigure 9. Distribution of TNT in surface soils at hand grenade range 3, Fort LewisFigure 10. Distribution of HMX in surface soils at hand grenade range 3, Fort LewisFigure 11. GC-ECD chromatogram of extract from surface soil collected from Fort Lewis hand grenade rangeThe distribution of TNT concentrationsTable 4. Concentrations, g kg-1, of Explosives in Soils from Fort Richardson Hand Grenade RangeFigure 12. Fort Richardson hand grenade range distribution of RDXFigure 13. Fort Richardson hand grenade range distribution of TNTFigure 14. Fort Richardson hand grenade range distribution of HMXArtillery range firing point - ERDC-TR-01-130041Table 5. Explosives Concentrations in Soils, g kg-1, at 105-mm Gun 1 Position, Fort LewisTable 6. Explosives Concentrations in Soils at 105-mm Gun 2 Position, Fort LewisFigure 16. Distribution of 2,4DNT at Gun 2 firing point, Fort LewisArtillery range impact areasTable 7. Explosives Concentrations in Soils, g kg-1, from Artillery Impact Area, Fort LewisTable 7. ConcludedFigure 18. Sampling crater from a 105-mm howitzerFigure 19. GC-ECD chromatogram of soil extract from surface soil sampleThe sixth areaFigure 20Figure 21. Chromatogram of soil sample collected 15 cm from position of a low-order 155-mm howitzer roundWater analyses - ERDC-TR-01-130053Table 10. Geochemical Parameters, mg L-1, in Groundwater at Fort LewisHistorical firing records - ERDC-TR-01-130055Table 13. High-explosive Load Carried by Munitions Items Commonly Fired at Fort LewisSummary and Conclusions - ERDC-TR-01-130057Summary and Conclusions-continueTransport Parameters for Firing Range ResiduesDetermination of Explosives Processes Data GapsMaterials and Methods - ERDC-TR-01-130061Adsorption partitioningTable 15. High Explosives Investigated in the Dissolution Kinetics StudyResults and Discussion - ERDC-TR-01-130064Dissolution kineticsFigure 23Figure 25. RDX dissolution rate as a d2.4TT4 7 r64 7 r6/GS7neaahsgC 90 3 >>BDC80 3 >t ha6orDoTtT8a6ort0Figure 27References - ERDC-TR-01-130069References-continue - ERDC-TR-01-130070References-continue - ERDC-TR-01-130071References-continue - ERDC-TR-01-130072References-continue - ERDC-TR-01-130073References-continue - ERDC-TR-01-130074References-continue - ERDC-TR-01-130075References-continue - ERDC-TR-01-130076Report Documentation Page - ERDC-TR-01-130077Block 14. (Continued)ERDC-TR-01-13