Local Variation in Winter Morning Air TemperatureFigure 1. Mean annual number of subzero (<17.8C) days occurring during the period 195180, from NOAA (1982)A RIVER PLANE TEMPERATURE REFERENCEFigure 3. Topography of the study area east of the Connecticut RiverINSTRUMENTATION, OBSERVATIONS, AND MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUESTable 2. Distance required to respond to a change in temperatureFigure 5. Magnitude of difference of repetitive air temperature measurements (solid circles), accompanying a direction reversal, over a 3- to 12-minute periodEVALUATION OF THE CONNECTICUT RIVER SURFACE AS A TEMPERATURE REFERENCE PLANETable 5. Frequency of temperature difference at a 100-m distance from bridgeTable 6. Frequency analysis of temperature difference along the river plane referenced to the temperature at Piermont bridgeDISCUSSION - CR97_090022CONCLUSIONS OF PART IPART II: OTHER TEMPERATURE VARIATIONS WITH RESPECT TO THOSE ALONG A RIVERANALYSIS OF VERTICAL TEMPERATURE STRUCTURE IN THE STUDY AREAFigure 11. Mean elevation structure of surface air temperature, stratified by snow cover, when inversion was apparent along PWAFigure 12. Median temperature difference and geometric standard deviation of temperature difference along the path PWAFigure 13. Eighty-fourth percentile of temperature difference, and frequency of lesser temperature with respect to P, along the path PWAEXAMINATION OF SOME SINGULAR EVENTSFigure 15. Topographic cross sections at 45 direction intervals extending radially from ZFigure 16. Temperatures in and around basin II compared with the 2-cm temperature at ZFigure 17. Temperaturetopographic cross section obtained 0700LCL 07 February 1993, the coldest air observed during the winters 1990-93Figure 18. Vertical profiles of 0700LCL air temperature extracted from surface observations along P-W-ASOME EXTREME TEMPERATURES OBSERVED COINCIDENT WITH UNIFORM SNOW COVERFigure 20. Inferred isotherms above the topographic cross section along ZWA on 20 (a) and 27 (b) January 1994Figure 21. Temperatures observed relative to the topographic cross section along PSL on 20 and 27 January 1994Figure 22. Temperature observed relative to the topographic cross section along the 045 radial from ZDISCUSSION - CR97_090038DISCUSSION-continue - CR97_090039CONCLUSIONS OF PART IIPART III: SOME EXAMPLES OF THE INFLUENCE OF CULTURAL AND PHYSICAL FEATURES ON MORNING AIR TEMPERATURETHE "HEAT ISLAND" ASSOCIATED WITH A FREEZING RIVERCOLD AIR DRAINSFREQUENCY OF SUBZERO (<17.8C) DAYS IN THE STUDY AREADISCUSSION - CR97_090045CONCLUSIONS OF PART IIILITERATURE CITED - CR97_090047LITERATURE CITED-continue - CR97_090048Report Documentation Page - CR97_090049CR97_09