hydrogeological study. The single base propellants also contain DNT as a plasticizer
and impurities such as DNB and TNB coming from the synthesis of energetic
materials, starting from toluene containing benzene as an impurity.
High explosives used by both Canada and the United States generally contain either
TNT (2,4,6-trinitrotoluene) or mixtures of TNT with RDX (hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-
1,3,5-triazine), HMX (octahydro-1,3,5,7-tetranitro-1,3,5,7-tetrazocine), or for some
older muntitions, tetryl. Most of the air weapons contain TNT with aluminum (tritonal
octol (TNT with HMX). When UXOs are found on sites, they are often blown in
place (BIP) using C-4, a mixture of RDX with a polymer. These BIP operations often
spread explosives into the environment [11].
Results for energetic materials are presented in Tables VII to X for soil in Jimmy
Lake and Shaver River ranges. No table is presented for surface water samples since
no explosives were detected in any water samples except for the sample collected in a
crater in Shaver River Range (Fig. 8). This sample analysis is reported in Table VIII.
When munitions or debris were visually observed, the samples were collected as near
as possible to the UXO with sub samples around it.
4.1 Alpha Range
The Alpha Range is located in front of Primerose Lake and was roughly 1.0 km long.
This range was covered with grasses growing in fine grained sand. Mainly vegetation
samples were collected in this range since these were lacking in Phase I. Vegetation
samples were taken in front of the tank target (Fig. 15), in front of the strafing wall
(Fig. 16), and as background samples at the boundaries of the range. Linear sampling
was also performed along transects (100 m each side) in front of the target going up
range at distances of 0, 200, 400, 600, 800 and 1000 m (Fig. 1). No energetic
analyses were performed in this range since the concentrations of explosives
determined during Phase I were ≤ 1 ppm. No soil samples were collected. A surface
water sample was collected in a small puddle 50 meters away from the tank target. 22
vegetation samples were collected, including 4 background samples.
The results for the vegetation samples are found in Table III. Some parameters in blue
font exceed the background level value (BGL). Of the 27 parameters analysed, only
Al, Sb, As, Cd, Ca, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Na, Sn, Ti, V and Zn were detected at values
higher than the BGL. All of the parameters that exceeded the BGL had concentrations
very close to the background values except for Al, Fe, Pb Na and Ti in linear transect
0% A. Curiously, no parameters exceeded any background values in all other linear
transect samples. Results indicated little or no phytoaccumulation of metals in this
Surface water
The only surface water sample collected in a small puddle in Alpha Range was highly
contaminated by most of the metals. Al, As, Ba, Cd, Cr, Co, Cu, Fe, Pb, Mn, Ni, Tl, V
and Zn were detected at concentrations much higher than the CCME criteria. Based
DRDC Valcartier TR 2004-204