Second part: Location by range
Jimmy Lake
Shaver River
Primerose Lake
Background Sample
Third part: Identification of the sample source
Target or crater number (1 and 2) or
Position number
Background location (ex: North of target) or
Background location by GPS or
Background location by number or
LS for linear sampling at XX% of the range
where XX%=% of the overall range length
Fourth part: Identification of the sample
Linear sampling at XX % (A or B): A being the right side of the road access and B
the left side; 0% is at the beginning of the road towards the target at 100 % or
Systematic target sampling names (A1, B2, C3, etc, according to sampling strategy
or Position number).
3.5 QA/QC
Quality assurance and quality control programs were included in this study.
Background soil and background vegetation samples were collected away from the
ranges. Analyses were done twice for energetic materials (lab replicates), but were
done only once for the other parameters. Ten percent of field replicates were also sent
for analysis. The contracted laboratory reported their QA/QC including surrogates
and blanks, detection limits, and quantification limits. Trip blanks and field blanks
were also included in the QA/QC plan.
3.6 Safety and Emergency Plan
The sampling of an UXO-contaminated area represents an increased level of risk for
personnel. The Range Control Officers gave a safety briefing to people involved in
the sampling program. This briefing explained the precautions to be taken to avoid
contact with UXOs and also described the various types of UXOs that may be found
on ranges. A safety and emergency plan was also put in place for any incident that
could have occurred while sampling. This plan was under the responsibility of the
CLAWR Range Control unit. When on site for sampling, personnel were always
equipped with radios to contact range control in case of an emergency. Walkie-talkies
were available to communicate between the teams. Range control personnel always
accompanyied the sampling team.
DRDC Valcartier TR 2004-204