The authors wish to thank the 4-Wing and the Strategic Environmental Research and
Development Program (SERDP) for their financial support and vision. The authors
also wish to thank Defence Construction Canada (DCC) for their support during this
second phase of the surface characterization. More precisely, the authors wish to
acknowledge the excellent work performed by Mr Wesley Nash and Ms Sabrina Rock
from DCC who were responsible for all of the analytical supplies and analyses during
the field work in Cold Lake. Range Control Canadian Forces personnel of CLAWR
are especially thanked for their invaluable help, openness and support in all these
sampling events. More precisely, we would like to thank Mr. Drew Craig, the
Environmental Officer, who gave us all the support and funds needed to accomplish
our task. We also wish to thank all personnel of range control at the CLAWR who
helped us, more particularly Cpl Kevin Spurrel, Cpl Travor Eades and Cpl Graig
Rose, Sgt Berry Machan and Chief Warrant Officer CWO Bruno Tremblay.
DRDC Valcartier TR 2004-204