The following information was provided by Mr. Tom Foster, DCD, Fort
Rucker, Alabama.
1. Purpose: The purpose of this memorandum is to answer unit questions
about blade deice in cold climates. It is intended to review/increase awareness of
current deicing procedures/issues.
2. Requests to use Air Force or commercial equipment, including Landoll
deicer boom truck on rotary wing aircraft, are not authorized. Army M17
System operates at 100 psi through a high-pressure nozzle. These systems work
on fixed-wing aircraft due to the wing design where bearing surfaces are not
exposed to deice fluids. Helicopter bearings and their lubricant will experience
damage due to high-pressure washing or thinning of the grease by the deice fluid.
Other surfaces and components can be damaged by exposure to deice solutions.
Read your specific manual for detailed instructions before attempting to deice
any aviation equipment. No high-pressure systems of any type are authorized for
this purpose.
3. Units have a great number of informational sources for advice on this
subject. Your specific aircraft manual is the primary reference. It takes priority
over general-use manuals and PS magazine articles. A PS magazine article dated
November 1995 gives the following general references:
a. TM 1-1500-204-23-1, Section 10-2, for freezing weather maintenance
b. TM 1-1500-204-23-1, Section 1-86, which provides information about
deicing fluids and heating instructions.
c. TM 1-1500-344-23, Table 3-2, for dilution instructions for use as a
low-temperature cleaner.
d. TM 1-1500-344-23, paragraphs 3-5.3.7C and 3-5.3.7F, give instruc-
tions for heating detergent with deicing fluid for cleaning and deicing fluid for
rinsing cleaning fluid from your aircraft.
4. General cautions
a. Anti-icing and deicing fluids are toxic. They can irritate skin, cause
burns, and contaminate water sources. In case of contact flush skin or eyes with
water for at least 15 minutes. Get medical attention for eye contact or suspected