Army Aircraft Icing
Table 10. Weather support reports of days per month that in-flight icing is
forecast or reported.....................................................................................29
Table 11. Weather support reports of typical duration of forecast in-flight
icing conditions. ......................................................................................... 32
Table 12. Commanders' ratings of potential impact on mission of an aircraft
deicing technique that allows aircraft to be flight-ready in less than 30
minutes. ...................................................................................................... 35
Table 13. Commanders' ratings of potential impact on mission of an environ-
mentally friendly deicing fluid compatible with the entire aircraft............36
Table 14. Commanders' ratings of potential impact on mission of an improved
icing forecast resulting in a 50% reduction in flight cancellations. ........... 37
Table 15. Commanders' ratings of potential impact on mission of an icing
hazard warning system in-flight with cockpit display................................38
Table 16. Icing accidents/incidents in FY85FY 99 by aircraft type. ............... 41
Table 17. Location of icing accidents and incidents (FY85FY99) .................. 41
Table 18. Aircraft accident classifications. ........................................................ 42
Table 19. Comparison of icing accidents/incidents to total aircraft
accidents/incidents according to classification...........................................42
Table 20. Aircraft accident/incident rates (FY85FY99)...................................43
Table A1. Army rotary wing aircraft and hours flown.......................................52
Table C1. Aviation units that received questionnaires.......................................60
Table D1. Commanders' rankings of mission impact and enhancement ........... 65
Table E1. Flight cancellations and disruptions .................................................. 85
Table F1. Potential increase in flight readiness with availability of deicing
facility. ....................................................................................................... 92
Table F2. Aircraft groundings due to ground or in-flight icing ......................... 96
Table F3. Protection from snow/ice accumulation for aircraft on ground ......... 98
Table F4. Are aircraft deiced?..........................................................................100
Table F5. Pre-flight deicing, and time required ............................................... 102
Table F6. Deicing damage to aircraft...............................................................104
Table G1. Occurrence and duration of actual or forecast icing events ............ 111