Light Armor Range (samples taken from collection bin)
LA-1. Metal fragment--wipe*
LA-2. Piece of aluminum warhead (1/16 in. [0.16 cm] thick)--wipe
LA-3. Steel witness plate (1 in. [2.5 cm] thick) --wipe
LA-4. RDX residue on steel plate (1/16 in. thick)--wipe
LA-5. Metal fragment--wipe
LA-6. RDX residue on steel plate (1/16 in. thick)--wipe
LA-7. RDX residue on small metal fragment--wipe
LA-8. Metal Fragment--wipe
LA-9. Metal Fragment--wipe
LA-10. Piece of aluminum warhead (1/16 in. thick)--wipe
LA-11. Steel witness plate (1 in. thick) --wipe
LA-12. Rubber gasket from Test Tiles--extraction**
LA-13. Soil/rust from bin--extraction
Dump 3 (samples taken from wooden crate)
D3-1. Orange wax from inside motor round--wipe
D3-2. WP round--wipe
D3-3. Red wax from inside round--wipe
D3-4. Inside mortar round--wipe
D3-5. 60-mm mortar--wipe
D3-6. Orange wax--extraction
D3-7. Red wax--extraction
ARL (behind Building 1134 and bins by test pad)
ARL-1. Behind 1134, witness plate (2 in. [5.1 cm] thick)--wipe
ARL-2. Behind 1134, witness plate (2 in. thick)--wipe
ARL-3. Small metal fragment--wipe
ARL-4. Aluminum propellant tube--wipe
ARL-5. Aluminum propellant tube--wipe
ARL-6. Aluminum propellant tube--wipe
ARL-7. Sand from inside aluminum propellant tube--extraction
ARL-8. Melted metal--extraction
ARL-9. Glass fiber material--extraction
ARL-10. Witness plate--wipe
ARL-11. Aluminum plate--wipe
ARL-12. Rubber gasket material--extraction
ARL-13. Soil from aluminum bin--extraction
ARL-14. Silicon gasket from aluminum bin--extraction
ARL-15. Charcoal from witness plate--extraction
ARL-16. Piece of polyethylene sheet--extraction
ARL-17. Witness plate--wipe
*Wipe--filter soaked in methanol placed on surface.
**Extraction--piece placed in acetone.