Figure 3. Non-cohesive soil sampling tools.
Snow Samplers
Sampling soils for residues is a very effective way of characterizing a site but
is not suitable for characterizing a detonation event. The problem lies with the
unknown contamination of the soils prior to the event to be sampled. This is
especially problematic with live-fire events, which typically occur in heavily
used impact areas. When the round detonates, it is often difficult to find the exact
location of the detonation point and, even when the detonation point is found, the
presence or absence of prior contamination is not known. Even with rounds
detonated with non-standard initiators, the background levels of explosives can
be difficult to measure. To ensure a clean test, all materials within the area to be
sampled must be removed and replaced with clean material, and the depth of
clean material beneath the detonation point must be sufficient to prevent the
lofting of any residual contaminants from any previous detonation at that point.