ESE (1990) Eagle River Flats expanded site inves-
quently conducted in ERF, which produced simi-
tigation. Ft. Richardson, Alaska. Environmental
lar results. Bioassay studies also permitted close
Science and Engineering, Inc. Final Technical Re-
observation and documentation of the sequence of
port. Prepared for the U.S. Army Toxic and Haz-
symptoms leading to morbidity in waterfowl.
ardous Materials Agency, Aberdeen Proving
Clinical studies (e.g., histopathology, etc.) elim-
Ground, Maryland. Data Item A011.
inated infections disease, concussion, and inhala-
The Eagle River Flats (ERF) Expanded Site
tion of toxic substances as causes of waterfowl
Investigation was conducted in order to evaluate
mortality. Laboratory testing also indicated that
the potential causes of waterfowl mortality at
algal toxins were probably not the cause of the bird
ERF. Related objectives were to determine poten-
mortality at ERF. Field observations provided
tially relevant site and contaminant characteris-
information on the seasonal distribution of wild
tics. The conceptual approach was to conduct a
birds. Results indicated that waterfowl, particularly
controlled, well-documented, and phased investi-
dabbling ducks, were the group primarily affected
gation of ERF in order to determine both the cause
and that the causative substance apparently did
and probable sources of bird mortality. The study
not produce secondary effects in predators or
was designed to test all probable hypotheses con-
scavengers (e.g., bald eagles, gulls, etc.) that fed on
cerning the causes of mortality. This study built
affected waterfowl.
upon previous investigations of the problem by
Fort Richardson environmental personnel and
statistically significant relationship (p < 0.05)
other agencies included in the Eagle River Task
Force. Specific methods included necropsy, hema-
affected ducks, indicating that chemicals from
tology, histopathology, and bacterial culture stud-
explosive ordnance were a probable cause of water-
ies of affected waterfowl; integrated sampling of
fowl mortality on ERF. Specific chemicals were not
sediment, water and waterfowl tissue for contam-
identified. Nitrates/nitrites and phosphorus in sedi-
inants; and bioassays (laboratory and in situ).
ments correlated significantly (p < 0.1) with adverse
The Technical Plan was developed with input
effects in sentinel birds. Information from Army
from and review by the Eagle River Task Force.
records indicates that destruction of large quanti-
The plan was modified twice during the field sea-
ties of magnesium flares within ERF was a likely
son on the basis of results obtained during the early
cause of observed elevated levels of magnesium in
phases of the study. Laboratory bioassay studies
Area C. Analysis of explosives chemicals in duck tis-
conducted in June 1989 indicated that water and
sues was not achieved owing to difficulties in
possibly sediment from some locations on ERF at
extraction procedures. Results from sentinel bird
certain times were responsible for bird mortality,
studies indicated that the temperature may
and indicated that the causative substance was
inversely affect the presence or persistence of the
not transferred through plants in the food chain.
chemicals in ERF (temperature correlated inversely
Sentinel bird (in situ bioassay) studies were subse-
with adverse effects in sentinel birds, p < 0.1).
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