for example. The geosynthetic drainage matrix
Clark, L., J. Mason, P. Shah, and R. Dolbeer
may be a geonet, a geogrid or a geomesh, fabri-
(1997) Method of identifying the avian repellent
cated from polyethylene, polypropylene, high-
effects of a compound and methods of repelling
density polypropylene, low-density polypro-
birds from materials susceptible to consumption
pylene, polystyrene, or high-impact polystyrene.
by birds. U.S. Patent 5,672,352.
The top and bottom layers may be either separate
There is provided by the invention a structure-
layers, or may be joined together to produce a
activity model for identifying avian repellent
unified geocomposite web; may be held in place
compounds. It has now been found that certain
by a gravel layer or other means; may be used in a
topological and electronic features of a molecule,
subaqueous or a non-subaqueous environment;
especially the presence of a core ring structure,
and may provide a suitable environment through
the basicity of the molecule in general, and the
which vegetation can be rooted.
electronegativity of the core ring structure, are
predictive of its avian repellency. Such features
Walsh, M.R., and D. Lambert (1998) Debris
may be used to identify avian repellent com-
exclusion device for an augerhead-type hydraulic
pounds and such compounds may be utilized in
dredge system. U.S. Patent 5,651,200.
methods for repelling birds from consuming or
The present invention pertains to debris exclu-
utilizing a material. There are further provided
sion devices designed for use on a small auger-
by this invention novel avian repellents for use in
head type hydraulic dredge system for opera-
methods of repelling birds from consuming or
tions in debris-laden channels that can cause the
utilizing materials otherwise susceptible to con-
system's pump to malfunction. Debris to be
sumption or utilization. Additionally, methods
excluded by these devices includes portions of
for repelling birds from consuming or utilizing
trees, woody-stemmed plants, pieces of lumber,
non-potable aquatic habitats are provided herein.
pieces of metal or even unexploded ordnance. A
first embodiment comprises vertical grates with
Henry, K.S. (1997) Geosynthetic barrier to pre-
curved front surfaces mounted in front of a spoils
vent wildlife access to contaminated sediments.
inlet of a dredgehead shroud with cooperating
U.S. Patent 5,601,906.
cutter assembly attached to the auger. These
A geosynthetic barrier, adapted to deny wild-
grates are spaced to allow passage of spoils and
life access to contaminated sediments (CS),
small debris, but not larger injurious debris that is
includes a geocomposite formed of a top layer
detrimental to the system's pump. A second
juxtaposed on a bottom layer, which is adapted to
embodiment is a tapered transition box device
be placed on the sediments. The top layer includes
attached to the augerhead's shroud disposed
a geosynthetic drainage matrix having a plurality
between the grates of a spoils inlet leading
of openings formed so as to allow gasses to escape
through these grates and a hose feeding the sys-
from the contaminated sediments on which said
tem's pump. The box is a clean-out device, which
composite is placed. The openings in the bottom
is self-regulated and also maintains smooth tran-
layer of the geosynthetic barrier have a size in the
sitional flow to the system's pump.
range up to 200 cm and are spaced apart on cen-
ters having a range of between 6 cm and 600 cm,
Clark, L., J.L. Cummings, S.A. Bird, J.E. Davis
during the spring and at one site during the fall at
Jr., and P.A. Pochop (1993) Preliminary evalua-
Eagle River Flats, Fort Richardson, Alaska. Encap-
tion of encapsulated methyl anthranilate at Eagle
sulated formulations of MA were able to decrease
River Flats, Fort Richardson, Alaska. In U.S.
feeding activity of ducks 5080% for up to 10 days.
Army Eagle River Flats: Protecting waterfowl
Further, mallard mortality was reduced 60%
from ingesting white phosphorus. USDA Denver
when ducks were continuously exposed to WP
Wildlife Research Center Technical Report 931,
contaminated areas for up to 172 days. Based on
p. 3457.
evaluation of several formulations and their per-
We evaluated methyl anthranilate encapsulat-
formance in the field, recommendations are made
ed in a sodium alginate capsule at two field sites
for a final formulation that should have a half life
to contents
to index