of death in minutes (mean std. dev.) was 250
bordering ERF indicate that coyotes and northern
110, 300 100, and 230 60 for the dissolved WP,
harriers may be exposed to WP through second-
ary contact with duck parts left in the woods by
small particle, and large particle groups, respec-
predators and scavengers. The severity of this
tively. The times of death for all three treatments
contact was not determined.
were not statistically different from each other. In
laboratory ducks, the quantity of WP in their
Roebuck, B.D. (1996) Analysis of white phospho-
digestive tracts varied between treatment groups.
rus in biota at Eagle River Flats, 1995 field season.
The highest quantity of unabsorbed WP (19% of
In Interagency expanded site investigation: Evalua-
given dose) was in the GI tract of small-particle-
dosed ducks. The dissolved WP was not apprecia-
treatability at Eagle River Flats, Alaska (C.H. Racine
bly retained by the gizzard and reached lower
and D. Cate, Ed.). CRREL Contract Report to U.S.
portions of the digestive tract. Ducks from DWRC
Army, Alaska, Directorate of Public Works, FY95
and ERF all had varying levels of WP distributed
Final Report, p. 175178.
in their GI tract. The short latent period between
Tissues from animals found dead on Eagle
the first signs of intoxication and convulsion
River Flats during 1995 were analyzed for white
argues against effective treatment of sick birds.
phosphorus to help confirm the cause of death. A
And finally, the lack of cholinesterase inhibition
total of 31 animals was examined: 30 birds and 1
indicates that antidotes for anti-cholinesterase
coyote. The coyote did not contain WP. Of the
poisoning would not be effective.
birds, approximately 20% did not have WP in
their tissues. These birds (six in total) are either
Rossi, C. (1995) Hazing at Eagle River Flats. In
individuals that died of other causes (some of
Interagency expanded site investigation: Evaluation of
which may be natural causes), or individuals in
whom the WP dissipated prior to their ultimate
ability at Eagle River Flats, Alaska (C.H. Racine and
D. Cate, Ed.). CRREL Contract Report to U.S.
Army, Alaska, Directorate of Public Works, FY94
Roebuck, B.D., and S.I. Nam (1995) Toxicological
Final Report, p. 423428.
properties of white phosphorus: Comparison of
During parts of May, September, and October
particle sizes on acute toxicity and the biotransfer
of 1994, Animal Damage Control (ADC) continued
of white phosphorus from hen to eggs. In Inter-
efforts to keep migratory waterfowl from being
agency expanded site investigation: Evaluation of
poisoned by white phosphorous in ERF. The work
involved the use of a variety of hazing methods,
ability at Eagle River Flats, Alaska (C.H. Racine and
including propane cannons, scarecrows, mylar
D. Cate, Ed.). CRREL Contract Report to U.S.
tape, as well as eagle effigies and electronic
Army, Alaska, Directorate of Public Works, FY94
guards, and on-site personnel with shotguns and
Final Report, p. 235254.
skyrockets. Activities were confined to discrete,
To date, all of the published data on the tox-
limited areas within ERF, with other less-contami-
icity of WP in ducks have been based on WP dis-
nated areas remaining as undisturbed sanctuaries.
solved in oil or in tissues. The present studies
In spite of a number of deviations from the
norm in 1994, ADC's hazing operation was quite
were therefore undertaken to assess if toxicity of
WP differed between WP dissolved in edible oil
successful. NEILE's mortality data indicate low
and particles of size classes representative of the
waterfowl mortality during active hazing opera-
particles found in the sediments at ERF. The dis-
tions. In one case waterfowl began using an
tribution of WP in the GI tract was also deter-
unhazed contaminated area and ADC hazing
mined in both lab and wild birds to assess the risk
operations were immediately implemented there.
of WP to predators. Detailed observations were
The effective protection of waterfowl was further
also made to identify a time point that sick birds
enhanced by a contingency provision in the 1994
could be therapeutically treated. Cholinesterase
proposal that allowed ADC's operations to continue
activity was also measured to determine another
until all of the contaminated areas had frozen over
mode of treatment. Studies were also undertaken
(regardless of the date). This contingency provi-
in egg-laying chickens to further explore the bio-
sion will be proposed again for the 1995 season.
logical fate of absorbed WP.
Toxicity from dissolved and particulate WP
Rossi, C. (1996) Hazing at Eagle River Flats. In
was very similar at a dose of 12 mg/kg. The time
Interagency expanded site investigation: Evaluation of
to contents
to index