27.4% DCR Loose RMA "Soil-Amended
Basin F Sludge from Above the Liner" Sample
No. 24216 (17.62 g soil/2,000 mL hexane)
RESTEK Pesticide Standard B-2
RESTEK Pesticide Standard A-2
Total Resolved Pesticides = 2,110
(4080 pg/L)
(80160 pg/L)
mg/kg dry wt.
27.4% DCR Loose RMA "Soil-Amended
27.4% DCR Compact RMA "Soil-
Basin F Sludge from Above the Liner"
Amended Basin F Sludge from Above
Sample No. 24216
the Liner" Sample No. 24216 (17.79 g
(17.62 g soil/2,000 mL hexane)
soil/2,000 mL hexane)
Total Resolved Pesticides = 2,110
Total Resolved Pesticides = 1,100
Figure 4. ECD GC profiles from two
mg/kg dry wt.
mg/kg dry wt.
RESTEK Pesticide Standard solutions and
hexane extracts of RMA Soil-Amended
Basin F sludge from above the liner
(sample no. 24216) before and after stabi-
lization with the DCR process. 27.4%
DCR Loose designates 27.4% CaO addi-
tion and solvent extraction of the finely
dispersed, dry powder obtained immedi-
ately after the DCR process. 27.4% DCR
Compact designates solvent extraction of
the sample following the same percentage
DCR reagent addition and compaction for
Proctor maximum density and permeabil-
ity determinations. Identical soil sample
and extraction volumes were used in all
three RMA samples to facilitate qualita-
tive comparisons, and all chromatograms
were obtained under identical instrument
conditions (1.0 L injected; 30 m, DB-
1701 megabore column; 140C [0.5 min]
then 5C/min to 275C [7.5 min]; GC