Mellor, J.W . (1928) A Comprehensive Treatise on In-
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Performance evaluation samples are an impor-
Nikandrov, I.S. and S.I. Smirnov (1983) Kinetics
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trol programs. They are especially important for
Prikladnoi Khimii, 56(4): 883885. (Translated by H.
an analytical method that is not performed rou-
tinely. This report describes protocols for the
Racine, C.H. (1995) Analysis of the Eagle River
preparation of performance evaluation samples
Flats white phosphorus concentration database. In
containing white phosphorus. Based on previous
Interagency Expanded Site Investigation: Evaluation
analyses, white phosphorus concentrations vary
widely in samples sent to laboratories for analy-
Treatability at Eagle River Flats, Alaska (C.H. Racine
sis. To represent this wide range of concentrations,
and D. Cate, Ed.). USA Cold Regions Research and
two protocols for the preparation of performance
Engineering Laboratory Contract Report to U.S.
evaluation samples were developed, one at a high
Army, Alaska, Directorate of Public Works, FY94
concentration containing particulate white phos-
Final Report.
phorus and one at a low concentration containing
Stich, C. (1953) Solubility of phosphorus.
dissolved white phosphorus.
Pharmazie, 8: 202.
When particulate white phosphorus was added
U.S. EPA (1995) Method 7580: White phosphorus
to wet soils, and the soils were stored in tightly
(P4) by solvent extraction and gas chromatog-
sealed jars, white phosphorus concentrations were
raphy, In Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste.
stable for over 100 days. Minimal loss of white
U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of
phosphorus was observed in some samples after
Solid Waste, Washington, D.C., SW-846 Update
200 days, most likely due to oxidation of the par-
ticle surface.
VanWazer, J.R. (1958) Phosphorus and Its Com-
In contrast, loss was significant for white phos-
pounds. Vol. I: Chemistry. New York: Interscience
phorus dissolved in water or in an organic solvent
and spiked onto soil. Stable (over two months)
Van Voris, P., M.W . Ligotke, K.M. McFadden,
white phosphorus concentrations were achieved
S.W. Li, B.L. Thomas, D.A. Cataldo, T.R. Garland,
only when solutions of white phosphorus in min-
J.K. Fredrickson, R.M. Bean and D.W . Carlile
eral oil were spiked onto an inert matrix, silt-size
(1987) Evaluate and characterize mechanisms con-
glass beads. Conversely, long-term monitoring has
trolling transport, fate and effects of army smokes
shown that white phosphorus concentrations are
in the aerosol wind tunnel: Transport, transforma-
stable in field- contaminated samples if samples
tions, fate, and terrestrial ecological effects of red
are not dried.
phosphorus-butyl rubber and white phosphorus
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Walsh, M.E. and C.M. Collins (1993) Distribution
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Alexander, M. (1995) How toxic are toxic chemi-
of 81-mm mortar WP smoke rounds at an upland
cals in soil? Environmental Science and Technology,
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29(11): 27132717.
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Grant, C.L., T.F. Jenkins, K.F. Myers and E.F.
Walsh, M.E. and S.T. Taylor (1993) Analytical
McCormick (1995) Holding-time estimates for
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Walsh, M.E., C.M. Collins and C.H. Racine (1995)
Hewitt, A. (1994) Vapor-fortified QA/QC soil
Persistence of white phosphorus particles in sedi-
subsamples for the analysis of volatile organic
ment. USA Cold Regions Research and Engineer-
compounds. American Environmental Laboratory,
ing Laboratory, CRREL Report 95-23.
no. 3, p. 17.