Four deck cranes are aboard; the largest pair can
Maximum ice thickness that can be penetrated
lift 16 tonnes each.
while navigating is estimated as 5 m; indi-
Sea water distillation: two vacuum stills can sup-
vidual ridges estimated at 9 m thick have been
ply 5 m3 of fresh water an hour each (240 m3/
broken through.
Helm controls one rudder, which turns 35 either
Differential ballast tanks are suitable fore and aft,
way, operated by four hydraulic cylinders
and athwart the ship; the pumps are capable
powered by one of two pumps. It is protected
of moving 1 m3 of water a second.
by an ice-horn for moving astern.
Ship has 1280 compartments (cabins, storage ar-
Steering may also be provided by directing air jets
eas, machine rooms, etc.).
of the bubbling system (comparable to use of
Sufficient provisions and supplies can be carried
to operate for 7 months.
Auxiliary power is available from three diesel gen-
erating sets: 1 MW (1) and 250 kW (2).
Safety equipment includes: 1 launch, 2 fully en-
closed lifeboats, and 18 inflatable life rafts.
Anchors: two 7-tonne anchors with 300 m of chain