Figure 84. Conventional C-130 during frequent routine operations from the Pegasus glacial ice runway.
ational window each season. Since the sea ice
capital equipment purchased specifically for this
runway is a well understood and inexpensive
project (a grader and snowblower, which were
resource for the USAP and wheeled capability
critical to the runway construction, and other es-
is not normally available to McMurdo in the late
sential equipment such as the proof cart and sev-
austral summer season, the logical choice is to
eral snow planes). This cost is also very attractive
operate Pegasus from about 15 January to 15
compared to the recently completed rock runway
March. In an emergency, operating the runway
at Dumont D'Urville which cost more than U.S.$
could be possible for both the early season
25 million*, took 10 years and involved the level-
ing of several islands (Engler et al. 1990).
window (1 October to 25 October) and the usual
late season time period. However, in addition to
being expensive, there is some risk involved in
being able to cover the ice with protective snow
in time for the peak solar influx. We recommend
that a double operations window not be consid-
The Pegasus runway provides the USAP with
ered except in dire emergencies.
added aircraft operating windows. The runway
allows wheeled C-130 operations essentially year-
Austral winter operations
Winter flights to the Pegasus site would require
round. Other wheeled aircraft with higher tire
lights and possibly additional navigation aids.
pressures (e.g., C-141) could, in most years, ac-
This is attainable and could offer tremendous
cess the runway from mid-January to near the
new opportunities for polar night science that
end of October. Skied aircraft can use the runway
throughout the year. Mechanical testing of ice
6-month commitment for personnel. If winter
strength and proof rolling of the runway at differ-
flights are planned, we would recommend that
ent times of the year when flight operations are
they initially occur on a widely spaced regular
desired will identify runway integrity for differ-
schedule (e.g., one flight per month) to allow run-
ent temperature regimes.
way personnel to establish the procedures and
techniques required for winter maintenance.
Single vs. double operating window
Methods of using the wind to erode snow depos-
during austral summer
Logistically, it is much simpler and economical
its on the runway will probably be needed in
to use the Pegasus runway for only a single oper-
keeping the runway clear. Runway lighting should
be provided with portable, self-contained (bat-
tery pack) type units to minimize size and impact
*A. Guichard, personal communication, 1995.