Field skiway and Pegasus, which operate concur-
rently during January and February. At times,
The weather present at the glacial ice runway
there have been seven flights per day operating
site during the period of air operations will dic-
from Pegasus and, occasionally, there is a plane
tate the quality and quantity of weather data re-
on the runway while another plane circles over-
quired. Requirements will also be driven by the
head awaiting its departure. The Pegasus runway
nature of the aircraft used (on-board navigation
has never had two aircraft on deck at the same
aids), availability of nearby alternate landing sites,
time, but there is ample room on the runway and
flight origination point, and the standard operat-
"ramp" area to accommodate two aircraft. We
ing procedures of the pilots and air crews. Many
recommend that Pegasus have its own air traffic
of the flights to Pegasus originate in New Zea-
controller if two planes will be on the runway
land in (L)C-130 aircraft. The fuel capacity of the
at once or if concentrations of flights become a
aircraft is such that the point of safe return (PSR),
regular occurrence.
or point at which a decision as to whether to turn
Ground control is a critical issue. Once the
back or continue based on fuel remaining, is ap-
Pegasus runway became operational, we found
proximately 12 hours short of the runway. There-
that it was difficult to immediately make the tran-
fore, flight managers and ground personnel
sition from viewing the site as a construction zone
should have available adequate weather informa-
to a restricted area. Personnel briefings and writ-
tion to make accurate forecasts for several hours
ten guidelines for anyone preparing to work out
to assist the incoming flight crew in making this
of a camp using a glacial ice runway should in-
decision. To avoid wasted flight time, adequate
clude a clear indication of the restricted area
weather forecasts are required for the time period
around the runway and explain proper proce-
extending from pre-launch to estimated time of
dures for approaching the runway.
arrival. Fortunately, McMurdo has a sophisticated
At Pegasus, a single access road leading to one
weather center, using data from satellite imagery
end of the runway makes it relatively easy to
and numerous automatic weather stations around
control access. A single ground controller is re-
the continent, which makes forecasting possible.
quired, having radio contact with anyone who
Based on the forecasts, decisions are made whether
will have business on or in the immediate vicinity
to launch flights from New Zealand, thus mini-
of the runway when aircraft are in the area. The
mizing "boomerang" flights.
ground controller must also be in constant con-
Localized variations in weather should be noted
tact with, and be the only person on the ground
over time by an on-site weather observer as a
communicating with, the air traffic controller.
function of specific occurrences. For example, dur-
Guidelines for both the ground controller and
ing the austral spring and autumn it is common
for persons needing access to the runway can
for the Pegasus site to have adequate visibility for
be found in a document published by the Fed-
air operations when virtual white-out conditions
eral Aviation Administration (1990). Such guide-
are present at Williams Field. At other times, there
lines can be obtained and customized as necessary
can be a very strong southerly wind with active
for each specific glacial ice runway by the run-
snow movement at ground level at the Pegasus
way manager and assigned ground controller.
runway while Williams Field has calm conditions.
At Pegasus, the crash/fire chief often acts as
The combination of large scale weather data (e.g.,
the ground controller.
from McMurdo Center) and a good understand-
Ground control will obviously include coordi-
ing of local variations will provide the necessary
nation of vehicles and persons on the runway and
information for flight planning and decision mak-
approaching aircraft. Since it will not be reason-
ing at critical times.
able to establish physical security around a gla-
cial ice runway to limit access, the ground con-
troller will also need to inspect for foreign objects
(e.g., people, seals, penguins, bears, or debris) on
the runway immediately prior to landings and
At the Pegasus runway we used the tower at
takeoffs. This can be achieved rapidly using a
nearby Williams Field for air traffic control. This
snowmobile, a rubber-tired all-terrain vehicle
ensures traffic coordination between the Williams
(ATV) or a pickup truck for transportation.