Figure 20. Wheeled loader.
sites will require further study to establish the
be utilized by ski-equipped cargo aircraft, like the
response of certain characteristics over time, es-
LC-130 Hercules operated by the U.S. Navy VXE-
pecially during the period when the runway
6 squadron and the New York Air National Guard.
would typically be in use. We recommend that
If firm snow conditions prevail, cargo aircraft with
the site be monitored through at least one sum-
low tire pressures (e.g., Ilyushin 76) may also be
mer season, preferably throughout an entire year.
utilized. These aircraft would then deliver the
If historical records are available for the site or
equipment and building materials necessary to
somewhere similar and nearby, they should be
set up camp and begin runway construction.
consulted. In general, the more data gathered, the
At the Pegasus site, a snow road was estab-
more likely one will be to gain an accurate picture
lished entirely on the ice shelf from Williams Field
of the site characteristics. This will lead to an
(Fig. 2). This road was flagged shortly after the
site became of interest and each year it is com-
informed decision about the ultimate suitability
pacted, groomed, and carefully maintained
of the site to support the type and volume of air
traffic desired. We studied the Pegasus site for a
throughout the austral summer season. The ma-
total of three years (not continuously) prior to the
jority of equipment used at Pegasus has its sup-
onset of construction.
port base at Williams Field; thus this road
constitutes the primary access to the site. When
We strongly advocate the use of modern, self-
the sea ice is present and capable of supporting
contained data acquisition systems for collecting
vehicle traffic, access may also be available via an
critical time-variable information. Sampling rates
annual snow/ice road directly connecting Mc-
of once per hour are recommended; one data point
Murdo and Pegasus (Fig. 2).
per day can provide a general picture of the site,
but this is too infrequent to be of much value.
Weather characteristics
The most important features to establish are
the wind speed and direction throughout the de-
After a review of the all of their physical prop-
erties, the remaining attractive glacial ice runway
sired operating windows. This information will