Figure 13. Location of Pegasus
runway relative to regional
glaciological zones.
roughly 330 true, has large parabolic drifts on
It can, though, produce immense drifts very
quickly around objects that project above the level
either side. This suggests there is also snow move-
of the natural snow surface. This is particularly
ment in the east-west direction. After numerous
true of obstacles with a large dimension situated
site visits at various times of the year (except the
perpendicular to the wind.
austral winter) we determined that the storm
At Pegasus, a great deal of snow also moves
winds from a general southerly direction carry a
from east to west. This snow is carried by the
considerable amount of snow. Since it is moving
gentle, but often present, easterly winds. Most of
so fast and with great force it is not prone to cause
the snow cover for about 3 km to the east of
much drifting on level, relatively smooth terrain.