steel or concrete would in his opinion need to be based on knowing answers to the issues raised in
the ECB including the issue pertaining to the design model that would need to be followed and
minimum USACE design criteria standards to be met when using vinyl all issues yet to be
Victor M. Agosatinelli
Mr. Walter Baumy, CEMVN-ED
Mr. Carl Guggenheimer, CEMVN-ED-TF
Dr. Piyush Dutta, ERDC-CRREL-NH
Mr. Brett Herr, CEMVN-PM-W
Mrs. Carolyn Earl, CEMVN-PM-W
Mrs. Anjana Chudgar, CECW-EWS
Mr. Stacey Anastos, CENAD-MT-EC-T
Dr. Reed Mosher, ERDC-SL-MS
Mr. Frank Johnson, CEMVD-TD-TS
Mr. Steve Cobb, CEMVD-MD-P
Mrs. Lexine Cool, CEMVD-DD-PP
Mr. Ken Klaus, CEMVD-TD-TG