Volumes will be archived initially as soon as they are identified and organized. After
the initial push, archiving will occur quarterly. Each quarter, one fourth of the volumes
identified for data management will be archived, and the archives will be sent out for
copying and offsite storage. Thus, each volume will be archived once a year while it is
online. The existing backup retention policy is one year, so worst-case recovery would
be a series of restorals from archive and backups. Archive retention policy will be "until
superseded." Archived savesets will be refreshed by restoring to online media, perform-
ing some sanity checks, and re-archiving to new media every two years. Hardware and
software procurement and disposal cycles will be constrained to not "strand" archives on
unmountable media or in unreadable formats.
Hardware required
2 EXB-210 8-mm tape libraries (currently used for backup)
1 HP DLT-7000 tape library (in procurement)
20 Gb of scratch disk space on a Unix file server
Software required
Legato networker with Jukebox module (currently used for backup)
Legato archive module
Automated cataloging script (being locally written, 75% complete)
Currently identified spatial data volumes in SAJ
Florida basemap and emergency management data
Path: marvin:/marvin3/mapping/district
Path: marvin:/marvin3/mapping/fl_utm17
Path: marvin:/marvin3/mapping/fl_utm16
Path: marvin:/marvin3/mapping/ga_utm17
Path: marvin:/marvin3/mapping/doqq_img
Path: marvin:/marvin3/mapping/quads_jpg
Size: 17 Gb
Tapes: 2
Puerto Rico basemap and emergency management data
Path: marvin:/marvin3/mapping/pr_lib
Size: 10 Gb
Tapes: 1
USVI orthophotography, basemap, and emergency management data
Path: marvin:/marvin3/mapping/vi_lib
Path: marvin:/marvin1/usvi
Size: 4 Gb
Tapes: 1
Kissimmee River Restoration orthophotography, topography, and project features
Path: marvin:/marvin2/kiss
Size: 6 Gb
Tapes: 1
Central and Southern Florida Project and Restudy