Table 5 (cont'd). Description of vegetation types (Level IV, Alaska Vegetation Classification) found on Ft. Wainwright,
central Alaska, 1998. For more complete descriptions see Viereck et al. (1992).
Open Paper Birch
Mid-successional stands with an open (<60%) canopy of Betula papyrifera and Populus tremuloides. The understory
Quaking Aspen Forest
has tall shrubs (Alnus crispa and Salix spp.), and the grass Calamagrostis canadensis.
This class is an early successional stage after fire or other disturbance. Young Betula papyrifera trees and saplings
occur with a mixture of tall shrubs (primarily Salix spp.), low shrubs, and grasses.
Closed Spruce
Closed, mixed stands of Betula papyrifera and Picea glauca or Picea mariana. The understory usually has Alnus crispa,
Paper Birch Forest
Salix bebbiana, Rosa acicularis, Calamagrostis canadensis, Cornus canadensis, and Equisetum arvense or Vaccinium vitis-
idaea and feather mosses.
Closed SprucePaper
Closed, mixed stands of Picea glauca, Picea mariana, Betula papyrifera, and Populus tremuloides that typically occur on
BirchQuaking Aspen
upland, south-facing slopes. The understory has Salix spp, Viburnum edule, Vaccinium vitis-idaea, Mertensia paniculata,
and mosses.
Closed Quaking
This type is transitional between Picea glauca and Populus tremuloides stands and generally occurs on south-facing
AspenSpruce Forest
Closed Balsam Poplar
A mid-successional stage, with Picea glauca and Populus balsamifera forming a closed canopy. The understory has
White Spruce Forest
Alnus tenuifolia, Rosa acicularis, Vaccinium vitis-idaea and Equisetum arvense.
Open SprucePaper
Open, young to mid-aged stands of Betula papyrifera and Picea glauca. The understory has Salix spp., Viburnum edule,
Birch Forest
Vaccinium vitis-idaea, Mertensia paniculata, Calamagrostis canadensis, and mosses.
Open Quaking Aspen
Populus tremuloides and Picea spp. are found growing together on better-drained lowland areas. This is a succes-
Spruce Forest
sional community, where the spruce are likely to overtop the aspen.
Open SpruceBalsam
Similar to Closed Balsam PoplarWhite Spruce Forest, this type often is older and decadent balsam poplar are
Poplar Forest
being replaced in the canopy by white spruce. A dense carpet of feather mosses is common.
Open Black Spruce
Open stands of dwarf Picea mariana (shorter than 3 m) with occasional Larix laricina. The understory has ericaceous
Dwarf Tree Scrub
shrubs, sedges (Eriophorum vaginatum ), Sphagnum spp., and feather mosses.
Closed Tall Willow
Tall (>1.5 m) Salix alaxensis, Salix interior, Salix glauca, and other Salix spp. form a closed (>75%) canopy. This class
generally is an early successional stage on river bars or after fires.
Closed Tall Alder
Tall alder (Alnus tenuifolia, A. crispa) form dense thickets along rivers and after fire in the uplands.
Closed Tall Alder
Tall (>1.5 m) alder (Alnus tenuifolia, A. crispa) and willows (Salix alaxensis, Salix bebbiana) form dense thickets along
Willow Shrub
rivers and after fire in the uplands Understory species include tree saplings and Equisetum arvense. Subalpine sites
have Spiraea Beauverdiana, V. uliginosum and Petasites frigidus.
Open Tall Willow
Tall Salix alaxensis, Salix interior, Salix glauca, and other Salix spp. form an open canopy. This class generally is an
early successional stage on river bars.
Open Tall Alder Shrub
Tall (>1.5 m) alder (Alnus tenuifolia, A. crispa) in open thickets along rivers and after fire on uplands.
Open Tall Shrub Swamp
Alnus tenuifolia, Salix planifolia, and S. bebbiana form an open canopy with occasional Betula papyrifera over Carex
aquatilis, Calamagrostis canadensis, Potentilla palustris, and Equisetum fluviatile in wet areas.
Closed Low Shrub
These closed, low (0.21.5 m tall) shrub communities are dominated by dwarf birch (Betula nana), and willows (Salix
BirchWillow Shrub
planifolia and Salix glauca).
Closed Low Shrub
Betula nana is dominant. Also present are Chamaedaphne calyculata, Ledum groenlandicum, Vaccinium uliginosum,
BirchEricaceous Shrub
Eriophorum spp., Carex bigelowii, and Calamagrostis canadensis.
Closed Low Shrub
An early successional stage after fire usually dominated by Ledum groenlandicum. Associated species include Picea
mariana, Vaccinium uliginosum, other ericaceous shrubs, Salix spp., and feather mosses.
Open Low Mixed Shrub The open (2575%) shrub canopy of Betula nana and ericaceous shrubs is punctuated by abundant Eriophorum
Sedge Tussock Bog
vaginatum tussocks. Scattered Picea mariana and Larix laricina are common.
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