Source: Classified. Data reduced to an unclassified mode and drawn on maps
Source_Scale: 100000
Creator_of_Source: U.S. Army Topographic Engineering Center, Ft. Belvoir, VA
Data_Set_History: 1. Digitized off the 1:100000-scale maps using GRASS 4.0.
2. Exported to ARC/INFO in DLG-3 optional distribution format.
3. Appended using the `line' and `all' options.
4. Projected from NAD27 to NAD83.
5. Exported using no compression.
Metadata_Date: 11/93
Military derived inundation data zone 16
Data_Set_Identity: Midwest Inundation Data
Theme_Keywords: Inundation
Data_Set_Description: This data set contains flooded river regions in UTM Zone 16. Data was
digitized from 1:100000-scale maps provided by the U.S. Army Topographic Engineering
Center (TEC).
Data_Structure: Vector
Data_Set_Extent: River sections in the following USGS 1:100000-scale maps:
Cape Girardeau - Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky
Carbondale - Illinois, Missouri
Pinckneyville - Illinois
Grid_Coordinate_System: Universal Transverse Mercator
UTM_Zone_Number: 16
Horizontal_Datum: NAD 83
Ellipsoid: GRS 1980
Coordinate_Precision: Single
Transfer_Format: ARC/INFO Export 6.1
Contact_Organization: USACE Remote Sensing/GIS Center
Contact_Person: Dr. Joyce Nagle, Civil Engineer
Contact_Mailing_Address: 72 Lyme Road, Hanover, NH 03755-1290
Contact_Telephone: (603) 646-4100
Custodial_Liability: Custodian does not assume liability
Source: Classified. Data reduced to an unclassified mode and drawn on maps
Source_Scale: 100000
Creator_of_Source: U.S. Army Topographic Engineering Center, Ft. Belvoir, VA
Data_Set_History: 1. Digitized off the 1:100000-scale maps using GRASS 4.0.
2. Exported to ARC/INFO in DLG-3 optional distribution format.
3. Appended using the `line' and `all' options.
4. Projected from NAD27 to NAD83.
5. Exported using no compression.
Metadata_Date: 11/93